
Universal Translation

Saturday, August 6, 2011


The Essence of a thing, is that thing. All things emanate and return to their Essence, and nothing and no one can stray from the Essence of its Self. The Essence of a tree is contained in the seed, and that seed will grow accordingly from its Essence into what it is meant to be. An acorn will not produce a pine tree, nor can the seeds of a pine cone grow into an oak tree. Human Beings are the only form of existence that can act against their Nature, their Essence. It is for this reason that there is such an imbalance in the world existing on this planet, for Human Beings are also a part of Nature, and affect the Natural environment in which they live. Being out of step with one's Essence is being out of step with Nature. To lose the connection to one’s Essence is to lose the Knowledge of one’s Self, to be less than what you were intended to be, to be an artificial representation of one’s Self. Being in tune with one's Nature is being in tune with one's Essence, with one's Self.

Accept your own Essence, and Be your Self

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Knowledge of Self: A Collection of Wisdom on the Science of Everything in Life

Knowledge of Self: A Collection of Wisdom on the Science of Everything in Life
written by the Almighty Nation of Gods & Earths